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yoga2I have to be honest. I started bikram yoga weeks and weeks ago and I have only attended like 3 or 4 classes. It has been so long I can’t actually remember the exact number.

The first class went very well. The heat didn’t bother me at all. I did sweat a TON but that only impacted getting a firm grip on different parts of my body so it didnt sxtop my from attempting all the positions. I did have trouble balancing all my weight on my left leg 😦

The second class I noticed the heat more. I had more trouble controlling my breathing. I started sweating as soon as I walked in the room. The first class I didnt start sweating till 30mins in.

The last class…. I need to start out by saying that I had eaten on my way over to class which is a huge no no. I suffered so much during this class. Normally I can eat then work out with no problems. That was not the case this time. I couldnt complete or hold a good portion of the positions and I was so weak. I feel like I let myself and the instructor down.

So take this from me…no matter how hungry you are never feed a gremlin after midnight or in this case before yoga.

Birkam yoga, you are a horse of a different color each and every time I see you.



Hey ya’ll



So it has been awhile since I have written anything. It has also been a while since I have been running. My left knee is not playing well, not even a little bit, when it comes to putting weight on it. I have tried to stay off of it as much as I can when I am not at work. The past week or so has made me feel rather icky since I haven’t been out and about like I normally am.

While sitting around I ran across a groupon for hot yoga!! Yoga requires standing and leaning but it isn’t as hard on my knee as running is. I’ve done a lot of research about hot yoga today and I think I will be giving it a shot…at least for the 1 month unlimited for $15.00!! That is a crazy good deal. I am trying to talk Juanita into going with me. Not that it took much arm twisting to get her all excited about it. She loves yoga. I am indifferent. I like it but wouldn’t be sad if I wasn’t doing it all the time. Maybe hot yoga is the game changer for me.

Here is to new adventures!!



IMG_0465[1]A few days ago, Cocoa and I completed the end of Week 2 of C25K!!! As each workout progresses my endurance gets better. Even Cocoa is holding up better 🙂 Even as I have begun to run faster I can still rely on Cocoa to pull me along. I am looking forward to the challenge of Week 3!!

Week 3 includes the standard 5 min warm up walk followed by 90 seconds jogging – 90 seconds walking then 3 MINUTES JOGGING – 3 minutes walking. I am not too sure about the 3 MINUTES of jogging but I am rather looking forward to the challenge!! I love to push myself past what my mind thinks I can handle. It’s like when I bike and I see a huge hill that my mind says no way to but I push because I know after my mind gives out that my body will carry me the rest of the way!!

I met up with Juanita to go look at wedding locations and after I tagged along with her to Tempe Lake to start her Week 2 day 1 training. It was a beautiful day out but freezing temperatures 😦 The wind provided some good resistance on our way back. I woke up this morning slightly sore which is such a good feeling.



Nobody puts baby in a corner

IMG_0450The last couple days have been weird. My fiance has been out of town so I have been home with our two roommates. My fiance and I are in our twenties and our roommates are both almost forty.


I spent 20 minutes and wrote out 6 very long paragraphs about how rude, inconsiderate and verbally abusive the 40 yr old guy is but realized that just because he is negative doesn’t mean I have to be. Typing it out actually helped me release my some of my rather negative hostile feelings towards him. I still have some of those feelings left over but I am sure a run will help diminish those 🙂

I cant let his negative attitude hold me back. I have been pushing forward towards my goals for years now and maybe this is a way to push my harder at achieving my goals.

Being the bigger person is really tough but in 5 yrs the last couple days wont matter. I always say if it wont matter in 5 yrs then don’t worry about it too much.  I could always take the advice I give my 7 yr old nephew…’you choose your attitude’.

So here is to moving past negative people and making something positive come out of unfortunate situations!



Papago! Wait…There are hills!

Papago So Missy (on the left, rockin’ the shades even though it was cloudy out) and I decided to go jogging at Papago Park on this cloudy, rainy day!  It was our first jog together since we signed up for the Mud Run.  Unfortunately, my health is not at optimum potential right now.  I think I may be getting bronchitis, but I decided my lungs needed to workout.

Poor Missy had to slow down and wait for me.  I also made her do Week 1, Day 3 on C25k, since that’s where I was before all this “healthiness” happened to me.  I believe she was on Week 2, Day 3, but she’ll have to update you on that.  I hadn’t jogged uphill yet, so that took quite some effort and internal fortitude! Missy was the best motivator, but she did cheat since she had Cocoa-cocoa, her chocolate lab, pulling her up the hill. Here’s our stats, not my best (Day 2 was way better, but that was before I got really “healthy”):Screenshot_2013-01-27-17-31-08

My Chubby Hubby also joined us, but he was pushing our toddler and left Missy and I to fend for ourselves.  Fortunately for us, the rain didn’t start until we were walking back to our cars.  But it was nice practice for us, since we’ll be wet and muddy during the Mud Run.  Here’s a nice photo of us practicing in the rain:


I know, I know. You’re totally jealous of my Pink/Hot Pink striped umbrella!! Can anyone guess where I got it?  Here’s a hint:  The store’s bags are that color too.

I hope to start “Insanity” tomorrow, and will let you know how that goes.



Howdy guys, after a work out I always feel as if I can and need to eat as much as I possibly can. Which isn’t a bad thing as long as I eat what my body needs not what my mind wants.

I used the vanana yogurt from Trader Joe’s (vanilla and banana yogurt) with sliced bananas. I usually add any extra fruit I have around that hasnt already been juiced 🙂



3/4 C vanana yogurt

1 large sliced banana

1/2 cubed apple

1/2 cubed pear








Mayo alternative….


I love love love turkey sandwiches on sourdough!! The thing that really holds me back from having a turkey sandwich is the mayo. Mayo is delicious but not very nutritious 😦  I stumbled upon the Mediterranean Greek Yogurt Dip at Trader Joe’s a while back and decided that it was no good on chips unless it was mixed with another dip such as avocados number guacamole dip or mixed with pureed butternut squash!

I loved the slightly tartness of the Greek yogurt and the mildness of the Mediterranean spices so I substituted it in place of mayo. It was delicious ! Now I can have my turkey sandwiches on sourdough without feeling like I need to be running after every bite.

Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That!

TeaIn the famous words of Sweet Brown, that is exactly how I feel.  Last Friday I started developing some foot issues and even ended up at Urgent Care.  No worries, all is fine now and I’m on the mend.

However after quarantining the Chubby two weeks ago, it seem the Plague has found it’s way to me.  It started Monday and has been steadily increasing it’s forces despite all my efforts to block it.  I decided I wasn’t going to let that stop me, cause like the title I don’t have time to be sick.  So yesterday I was going to do my C25k when I got home from work.  First I realized that the jogging stroller needed new inner tubes.  But that was no big deal cause I could just use the regular stroller, even though it’s harder to jog with.  I changed my clothes, then went to put my shoes on.  Sadly, I realized my shoes were in Chubby’s car and he was in Yuma at the time.  Then I realized the stroller wasn’t here either.  Can you guess where that was……?

Yep, in Chubby’s car.  I guess the Lord was telling me that I needed to rest and take care of myself.  I have a tendency to overdo it when I’m sick.  I guess I feel bad cause I have so much to do, that I overcompensate when I’m sick.  When I got home today, Miss Mac and I took a nap.  I’m in bed as I type this, wishing Chubby would make me some Ginger Lemon Honey Tea (pictured above, recipe from Weelicious).  I guess next week I will have to work extra hard.

A little question for those who have trained for an event:

When I start jogging again, should I start on Week 2 or should I start over on Week 1?  I never did the 3rd Day of Week 1, so any suggestions would help.



Roasted Corn Soup

IMG_03891 package Creamy Corn and Roasted Pepper Soup

1/2 package Soy Chorizo

1/4 package Roasted Corn

1 red potato cubed

I mixed everything together in my crock-pot on high for 3hrs. It smells delicious. I did not really measure anything. It is the Trader Joe’s way to throw things in together until they seem happy!

Of course adding a slice of Asiago cheese and black pepper bread and some garlic herb butter only adds to the delicousness! Maybe it would be a good idea to hike tomorrow 🙂




IMG_0077Week 2 is a slight bump up from week 1, obviously 🙂 Jogging increased by 30 seconds which didn’t seem like much when I started but half way into the workout both cocoa and I could feel it. Cocoa’s breathing was much more labored than normal so I slowed my speed down to give her time to cope. Slowing down made the time drag by.

I felt bleh like when I started but I feel energized now that it is done. I have been running every other day or so. I injured my left knee a few years ago and it doesn’t like having a lot of pressure placed on it. Taking it easy is the way to go. Injury is not an option anymore.